by Daniel Ezra Johnson
(comments/questions to danielezrajohnson@gmail.com
- in
fact, this manual is a bit incomplete and out-of-date so you may want to
write instead)
0. Introduction
Rbrul is a program
for analyzing linguistic data using -- but without quite having to use --
It is inspired by D. Sankoff's original variable rule program
VARBRUL and its
Goldvarb, as well as by Paolillo's
Rbrul's first goal is to do everything Goldvarb can do, but do it better
(and faster).
Both Goldvarb and Rbrul...
- carry out multiple regression (one-level, step-up &
step-down) with unbalanced binary data
- perform cross-tabulations
- reads common file formats (as well as token files)
- understands plain-text labels for groups and factors (as well as
one-character codes)
- combines and excludes factors easily
- reports effects in log-odds (as well as factor weights)
- can adjust the significance threshold for building models
- can handle knock-outs, usually without recoding
- reports R-squared or pseudo-R-squared for certain models
- has no limit to the number of factor groups or factors per group
Rbrul's second goal is to do useful types of analysis that Goldvarb
cannot do.
- supports continuous predictors (independent variables) like age or
lexical frequency
- supports continuous responses (dependent variables) like vowel
formant measurements
- fits mixed models (with random effects)
- to take into account by-speaker and by-item correlations
- to estimate between-group effects (like gender) at the same time as
effects (like individual speaker)
Rbrul's third goal is to interface with R's graphical
capabilities to produce plots showing individual and by-group behavior,
and model fit.
Another goal of Rbrul is to encourage its users to become comfortable in
the R environment, so that they can modify Rbrul themselves, or work outside it
Rbrul has a modular architecture. It consists of a number of functions, or
sub-programs. The parent function rbrul calls these
functions in order, loading data and obtaining various settings from
the user before performing the desired analysis and presenting the
More experienced R users may wish to update settings like thresh
(the significance threshold) or call functions like get.model
and custom.plot directly from the R command line. Or simply by typing
rbrul(), the user is guided through the
process with a series of menus and questions.
This manual is intended to get the user started with Rbrul. To emphasize the similarity with Goldvarb, it begins by
analyzing the famous department store study from Labov (1966), made available
in token file format by John Paolillo. As well as
being familiar, this
data has an unusual property among sociolinguistic data sets. With many speakers and a small, balanced number of
observations per speaker, its structure does not call out for a mixed-model analysis.
The second section of the manual, not yet written, will walk through an
analysis using more typical sociolinguistic data, where mixed model
analyses are generally appropriate.
0.1 Installing R
If R is not already installed, download it from here.
0.2 Loading Rbrul
The Rbrul program is a plain text file named Rbrul.R. You
load (or update) Rbrul either by cutting and pasting this file into R, or by using
the command:
> source("http://www.danielezrajohnson.com/Rbrul.R")
You are now ready to run Rbrul with the command:
> rbrul()
0.3 Packages
The first thing Rbrul does is load several bundles of functions that it
needs to support its activities. In R, these are called packages.
If you are running Rbrul for the first time, it may take a moment for it
to install the packages.
The most important package it loads is Bates et al.'s lme4,
which contains the glmer function that Rbrul uses
to carry out mixed-effects modeling. Another important package is Sarkar's lattice for graphics.
Ordinary linear and logistic regression is handled by the core function glm.
Note that Rbrul installs the required packages, but it does not
update them
after that. It is a good idea to periodically run the command
> update.packages()
to make sure you have the latest versions. If doing this causes Rbrul to
stop working properly, check to see if a new
version of Rbrul is available.
Note: Rbrul has been tested using R version 2.10.1 and
lmer version 0.999375-32. It may not work properly with any
older (or newer!) versions.
If you are having trouble installing Rbrul, try the following steps:
1. Download and install the latest version of R for Mac or
2. Under Packages, choose "Package Installer" [Mac] or "Install
package(s)" [Windows]. Choose a mirror
you [Windows].
Hold down Command [Mac] or Ctrl [Windows] and select the following four
packages: "boot", "Hmisc",
"lattice", and "lme4".
3. Run the following four commands:
> library(boot)
> library(Hmisc)
> library(lattice)
> library(lme4)
4. Source and run Rbrul:
> source("http://www.danielezrajohnson.com/Rbrul.R")
> rbrul()
1. Main Menu
The Main Menu displays the name of the currently loaded data file, if any, and a summary of its structure. If there is
no R object called datafile, all we see is:
No data loaded.
1-load/save data 2-adjust data
4-crosstabs 5-modeling 6-plotting
8-restore 9-reset 0-exit
The Main Menu options do the following things:
1) load/save data - allows you to save the current data to a file, and to load a data file into R
2) adjust data - modifies the data, for example recoding factor groups
4) crosstabs - cross-tabulates the data by one or more factors
5) modeling - is where regression analyses happen
6) plotting - is where graphics are created
7) restore - restores data file to its original form
9) reset - removes all R objects created by Rbrul, and reinstalls the program from here
0) exit - exits to R
We will select option 1 to load new data.
1.1 Load/Save Data
If there is a current datafile, Rbrul prompts the user to save it under a new filename. Then it displays a
numbered listing of all the files in the current directory. You can ascend through the directory structure by entering
0, or type the
number of a directory to descend into that directory. Windows users
can also switch between drives by entering the drive letter.
Rbrul supports several file formats, but does not detect the format
automatically. Once you have selected a file, it will ask what separates the columns: commas,
tabs, or nothing (i.e. a Goldvarb token file).
If commas (as in Microsoft Excel .csv files) or tabs (as in tab-delimited text files) are chosen, Rbrul expects that
the data file has a header row containing the names of the variables, and that the data in the remaining rows matches the header row.
Though creating an Excel .csv file is the recommended way to get your data into R, be sure to remove any "blank" rows
or columns to the right or at the bottom of the file, as these can cause problems when they are not actually blank. It is
also probably a good idea not to have any unusual characters in your data file. If your file contains spaces or strange
characters, they may be converted to periods in Rbrul's output. The
character # can be used to add comments, although this is not
necessary (comments can be entered as an ordinary column). Any examples of
# that are not at the ends of lines will probably cause the file not to load!
The third option is designed for reading in Goldvarb token files. If this option is
chosen, Rbrul will display the first few lines of the token file, and
prompt the user to name the columns. It will consider all lines beginning with (, and ignore any lines beginning with ;. Any comments at the
end of
each factor string,
introduced by
spaces, will be converted into a new "comments" column.
To load the department store datafile, assuming we have saved it under its
original name of ds.tok:
[20] "Rbrul_15.R"
[21] "ds.tok"
[22] "fig10 script.R"
No data loaded.
Type number of directory or data file to load?
(press 0 for parent directory, or Enter to keep current file)
1: 21
What separates the columns? (c-commas t-tabs tf-token file)
1: tf
1 2 3 4 5 6 ...
1 S n 4 NA NA ...
1 S n 4 NA NA ...
Enter labels for the columns (press Enter twice when done)
1: r
2: store
3: emphasis
4: word
5: [Enter]
Current data file is: /Users/dej/ds.tok
Current data structure:
r (integer with 2 values): 1 0
store (factor with 3 values): S M K
emphasis (factor with 2 values): n e
word (factor with 2 values): 4 F
We enter 21, the number next to the desired file, then n, then enter appropriate names for the columns of variables. We see
from Current data structure that the file has been loaded properly. Note that r, the response variable or
dependent variable of
interest in this data, has been classed as an integer rather than a factor. This will be corrected automatically at a later stage.
1.2 Adjust Data
We next enter 2 from the Main Menu to open the Adjusting Menu, where there are the following options:
1) change class - converts continuous variables to factors, or vice versa
2) cross - creates an interaction factor from two or more existing factors
3) exclude - removes data meeting certain criteria from the
datafile (opposite of retain)
4) retain - retains data meeting certain creiteria in the
datafile (opposite of exclude)
5) recode - renames and/or combines factor levels
6) relevel - changes the baseline level of a factor (applies only
to baseline/treatment contrasts)
7) transform - creates a new variable by applying a transformation (log, logit, center, z-score) to a
continuous variable
8) count - creates a column of frequencies by counting the elements of another
All these functions operate in a similar manner. For the department store data, we will use recode to change the one-character
Goldvarb factor codes into comprehensible plain-language labels. (Note that for this particular purpose, it would probably be just as easy to
use find-and-replace within Excel before loading the data into Rbrul.) We
enter 5 for recode, and proceed as follows:
Factor group to recode? (press Enter to exit) (1-r 2-store 3-emphasis 4-word)
1: 2
Factor(s) of store to recode together? (1-K 2-M 3-S Enter-done)
1: 1
2: [Enter]
Recode K as what?
1: Klein's
Factor(s) of store to recode together? (1-Klein's 2-M 3-S Enter-done)
1: 2
2: [Enter]
Recode M as what?
1: Macy's
Factor(s) of store to recode together? (1-Klein's 2-Macy's 3-S Enter-done)
1: 3
2: [Enter]
Recode S as what?
1: Saks
Factor(s) of store to recode together? (1-Klein's 2-Macy's 3-Saks Enter-done)
1: [Enter]
Recode to new column? (Yes-type new column name No-press Enter)
1: [Enter]
We would then repeat this process (not shown) for the variable emphasis, changing e to
emphatic and n to
normal, for example, and for the variable word, changing the code 4 to fouRth
and F to flooR. We
are not combining factors, only renaming them, so we enter one factor at a time. Since we answer no to the question Recode to new
column?, the original columns with their Goldvarb codes will be overwritten with the new, fully-labeled versions of the same
variables. (The adjusting functions only modify the datafile object within R. If
you would
like to save these changes to disk, use load/save data.) When all factors have been renamed, you will
see the following on returning to the Main Menu:
Current data structure:
r (integer with 2 values): 1 0
store (factor with 3 values): Saks Macy's Klein's
emphasis (factor with 2 values): normal emphatic
word (factor with 2 values): fouRth flooR
1.3 Crosstabs
As in Goldvarb, it is always a good idea to cross-tabulate your data by some of the factors of interest, before
performing any kind of multiple regression. By calling the R function xtabs, Rbrul can create two types of
crosstabs, one showing "counts" (the total number of tokens) in each cell, and the other showing the average value
of the response (dependent) variable. For a continuous (numeric) response variable, the mean is shown for each cell;
for a factor, we see the proportion of the application value(s). (If an
independent variable is numeric, or is a factor with many values,
a crosstab will still be generated, but the output may not be very useful.
Display such variables in rows, not columns!)
Since we have not chosen a response variable yet, we will be prompted to do so, and to pick the
application value(s) in the case of a factor. In this case, we will choose
r for the response and 1 for the application value, and so the crosstab will show the
proportion of (r-1), that is, the proportion of articulated (non-vocalized) /r/ for each cell.
The example below cross-tabulates by word in the columns and store in the rows. The
function can also show a third dimension, by showing multiple "pages" of two-dimensional
cross-tabulations. Here we omit the third dimension, but show both counts and proportions of the response. We
begin by entering 4 for crosstabs from the Main Menu:
Cross-tab: factor for columns? (1-r 2-store 3-emphasis 4-word)
1: 4
Cross-tab: factor for rows? (1-r 2-store 3-emphasis Enter-none)
1: 2
Cross-tab: factor for 'pages'? (1-r 3-emphasis Enter-none)
1: [Enter]
Cross-tab: variable for cells? (1-response proportion/mean Enter-counts)
1: [Enter]
store fouRth flooR total
Klein's 112 104 216
Macy's 175 161 336
Saks 95 82 177
total 382 347 729
Cross-tab: variable for cells? (1-response proportion/mean Enter-counts)
1: 1
Choose response (dependent variable) by number (1-r 2-store 3-emphasis 4-word)
1: 1
Type of response? (1-continuous Enter-binary)
1: [Enter]
Choose application value(s) by number? (1-0 2-1)
1: 2
proportion of r = 1
store fouRth flooR total
Klein's 0.080 0.115 0.097
Macy's 0.263 0.491 0.372
Saks 0.337 0.634 0.475
total 0.228 0.412 0.316
This method, of selecting variables from numbered lists, and choosing between options (often with Enter as a
default), is used throughout Rbrul. We also note that the proportions in the second crosstab are displayed to
three decimal places. This is a default, which can be changed under settings.
The first crosstab allows us to see that this dataset is well-balanced across word (unsurprisingly, given
the methodology), and fairly evenly distributed across store as well. This means that an inspection of
the column and row (marginal) proportions would be meaningful; these could be obtained by selecting a
one-dimensional crosstab.
The second crosstab shows the cell proportions, where we observe the well-known regular patterns: increased
use of (r-1) going up the social scale from Klein's to Macy's to Saks, and more (r-1) in stressed, word-final
floor than in fourth.
We also observe evidence of an interaction here, as social stratification seems to be somewhat greater for the
floor (log-odds range 2.59) than for the word fourth (range 1.77). There are several ways to handle
interactions in Rbrul. As in Goldvarb, users can 'manually' split the data and run parallel regressions, or create an
interaction factor group (see Paolillo 2002 for more on these methods). This is done using exclude and
cross in the Adjusting Menu. Alternatively, there is the test
interactions option in the Modeling
Menu. Here, for simplicity, we will continue towards a multiple regression analysis, setting aside the issue of factor
2. Modeling
Choosing 5 from the Main Menu opens the Modeling Menu, which contains several similar functions for
performing regression analysis (one-level, step-up, step-down, and
step-up/step-down). There is also an option to change various settings, mainly affecting the
operation and output of the modeling functions. Before we can use any of the modeling functions, we have to
choose which variables will be considered as candidates for the model, so we select 1-choose
2.1 Choose Variables
This function allows us to decide which variables will be considered for inclusion in a regression model, and in what
way. First it asks for a single response (dependent) variable, and determines its type (binary or continuous). Then it
asks for a list of the predictor variables (explanatory, or independent variables), and asks us to specify their type:
whether they are categorical or continuous, and whether they should be treated as fixed or random effects.
If the response is binary, it sets Rbrul up to perform logistic regression; otherwise, linear regression. If
random effects are included, then mixed models will be fit using the glmer function; if not, traditional
linear or logistic models are fit with glm.
In general, if your data includes a large number of potential independent variables, it is not always the best idea to
throw them all into a stepwise regression. This is especially true when some of the variables are correlated. In the
simplified department store data, there are only three independent variables, and we have every
reason to consider them all from the outset. All variables are categorical (factors), and there is no candidate for a
random effect, when we remember that each observation at a given level ofstore, emphasis, and
word was obtained from a
different person. (There are 729 observations from 264 individuals; I am emphasizing this because typical
sociolinguistic interview data has a very different structure, with many tokens from each speaker.)
We enter 1 from the Modeling Menu and proceed to choose variables as follows, again selecting the
value 1 (the presence of /r/) as the application value for the response, and pressing Enter to skip those
questions (continuous variable, random effect) that do not apply to this data:
Choose response (dependent variable) by number (1-r 2-store 3-emphasis 4-word)
1: 1
Type of response? (1-continuous Enter-binary)
1: [Enter]
Choose application value(s) by number? (1-0 2-1)
1: 2
Choose predictors (independent variables) by number (2-store 3-emphasis 4-word)
1: 2
2: 3
3: 4
Are any predictors continuous? (2-store 3-emphasis 4-word Enter-none)
1: [Enter]
Any grouping factors (random effects)? (2-store 3-emphasis 4-word Enter-none)
1: [Enter]
No model loaded.
Current variables are:
response.binary: r
fixed.categorical: store emphasis word
We see at the bottom of this output that we have still not loaded any model (that comes next) but that the variables
have been assigned correctly. r is the response variable, and it is binary. The predictors store,
emphasis, and word are classed as fixed, categorical effects. Any regression run from this point on
will be an ordinary logistic regression, of the kind that can also be done in Goldvarb. However, had the data warranted
a different type of statistical analysis - say the dependent variable was a vowel formant value - we would have
followed the same steps.
2.2 Modeling Functions
We are now ready to run a regression analysis: to build a model that shows the effect of our predictors on our
response variable. Note that there are statistical assumptions behind any type of regression, and if these are
not met, the results will be more or less invalid. More information about
regression assumptions can be found here
(for linear regression) and here
(for logistic regression).
On a related note, it is recommended to make graphical plots of your data in conjunction with, if not before,
conducting regression analysis. This will enable you to judge whether regression is appropriate, and to make better
sense of its results.
The four modeling functions,
one-level, step-up, step-down, and step-up/step-down, are all similar. If we
select one-level, then the program will fit the best model including all of the chosen predictors. With
step-up, Rbrul will add predictors one at a time, starting with the one that has the greatest effect on the
response, and repeating the process until no more significant variables can be added, with the threshold level of
significance defaulting to .05, a value that can be adjusted under settings.
The step-down option starts by fitting the full, one-level model. It then removes those predictors which do
not make a significant contribution to the model, one at a time. The step-up/step-down procedure, like
Goldvarb's "Up and Down", performs a step-up analysis followed by a step-down. If they both result in the same model,
then it is considered best; if there is a mismatch, further steps must be taken to decide what is the best model.
All these model-building variations have their place. The single most useful one is probably the step-down, but the
step-up procedure can be easier to follow, so we will now walk through what happens if we select option 3 and
perform a step-up regression analysis on the department store data. A long series of tables and summaries are output,
beginning with:
STEP 0 - null model
deviance df intercept mean
908.963 1 -0.775 0.316
The null model of Step 0 is simply an estimation of the mean of the response. Here the intercept of
the model, -0.775 in log-odds units, is equivalent to the overall proportion of articulated /r/, which is
0.316. (The formula ln(p/(1-p)) converts a probability p into log-odds x; this is
called the logistic transformation or logit. To go from log-odds x back to probability p, calculate
exp(x)/(1+exp(x)), the inverse logit.) Probabilities range between 0 and 1, while log-odds take
on any positive or negative value. A probability of 0.5 corresponds to an odds of 1:1, or a log-odds of 0.)
The deviance is a measure of how well the model fits the data, or how much the actual
data deviates from the predictions of the model. The larger the deviance, the worse the fit. As
we add terms (predictors) to the model, we will see this number decrease. The df (degrees of freedom) here is
the number of parameters in the model, a measure of model complexity. Here there are no predictors, just a single
estimate of the mean.
The deviance is -2 times the log-likelihood. If two logistic models are nested -- fit to the same
data, and one model is a subset or 'special case' of the other -- then the difference in deviance can
be tested against a chi-squared distribution with degrees of freedom equal to the difference in the
number of parameters of the two models. This is called a
likelihood-ratio test. For
example, if we try collapsing two factors into one within a
factor group, this represents one degree of freedom. If the difference in
deviance is greater than 3.84, then the
simpler model can be rejected with p < 0.05. The R command to obtain a p-value where x is the value of chi-squared (difference
in deviance between two models) and df is the degrees of freedom (difference in number of parameters between two models) is:
> pchisq(x,df,lower.tail=F)
> pchisq(3.84,1,lower.tail=F)
[1] 0.05004352
For linear models, F-tests are preferred. In general, the software estimates the significance of a
predictor by assessing the benefit it makes to model fit, but deducting points for how much it
increases model complexity. We see this in action in Step 1, where each of the three predictors is
added to the model in turn.
STEP 1 - adding to model with null
Trying store...
fixed logodds tokens 1/1+0 uncentered weight
Saks 0.849 177
0.475 0.695
Macy's 0.428 336
0.372 0.599
Klein's -1.277 216
0.097 0.214
deviance df intercept mean uncentered input prob
826.233 3 -0.951
0.316 0.284
Run 1 (above) with null + store better than null with p = 1.08e-18
Trying emphasis...
fixed logodds tokens 1/1+0 uncentered weight
emphatic 0.115 271
0.347 0.536
normal -0.115 458
0.297 0.479
deviance df intercept mean uncentered input prob
907.011 2 -0.747
0.316 0.315
Run 2 (above) with null + emphasis better than null with p = 0.162
Trying word...
fixed logodds tokens 1/1+0 uncentered weight
flooR 0.433 347
0.412 0.612
fouRth -0.433 382
0.228 0.398
deviance df intercept mean uncentered input prob
880.183 2 -0.788
0.316 0.308
Run 3 (above) with null + word better than null with p = 8.11e-08
Adding store...
Each one of these runs is a model with one predictor variable, and each of them fits the data better than the null
model of Step 0. Just like Goldvarb, Rbrul tests the amount of improvement against the amount of additional model
complexity (for example, adding the store factor means adding two parameters to the model, while
word and emphasis contribute only one each). The improvement is reported as a p-value, which can be
thought of as the probability of observing an effect as large as the one observed, if there were no underlying
difference associated with the variable in question, but only the chance fluctuations known as sampling error.
Here store has the lowest p-value, so it is selected at the end of Step 1. The factor word also has
an extremely low p-value, and if we went on to Step 2, we would see that it is added next. The emphasis
factor, however, has a high (non-significant) p-value associated with it. Inspecting the results of Run 2, we see that
the proportion of the application value, listed as 1/1+0, is 0.297 for normal speech (the subject's
first repetition of "fourth floor") and 0.347 for emphatic speech (the second repetition, after the
experimenter pretended not to have heard). Such a small difference is not statistically significant, but remember that
this is not evidence against it being a real effect, but rather an indication that there is insufficient data
to decide. With 1500 tokens, for example, the 'same' difference between 30% and 35% would be statistically
Statistical note: since this example is logistic regression (with a binary response), the p-values come from a
likelihood-ratio chi-squared test. The same test is used as the default for the fixed effects in mixed models,
although more accurate results may be obtained with a simulation procedure, which can be selected under
settings. For ordinary linear regression with a continuous
response, the p-values derive from an F-test. The significance of random effects (grouping factors) is not tested, in keeping with
the opinion that such terms should always be included in the model, if the structure of the data calls for them.
Returning to the output of Step 1, we see that for each run, several columns of numbers are printed in the output:
logodds, which are the raw coefficients of the logistic model, the number of tokens,
the response proportion 1/1+0, as seen above, and the uncentered weights, which are Goldvarb-style
factor weights. All these numbers are given for each predictor in the model (except continuous predictors do not have
associated factor weights), sorted in descending order so the factors most favoring the response are at the top. It
should be useful to be able to see token numbers and response proportions for each
level of each factor, alongside the regression coefficients and factor weights, because the former often help
make sense of the latter. For example, cells with few tokens often have extreme or unreliable coefficient values.
Under the default setting of zero-sum contrasts, the column of logodds relates directly to the column of
factor weights. If centered weights were chosen (in settings), then the correspondence would be exact. The default
is uncentered weights (sometimes, confusingly, called 'weighted'), to match Goldvarb's default behavior.
In a group with two factors, if factor weights are not centered, the factor with more tokens comes out closer to
0.5, while the one with fewer tokens is shifted towards more extreme values. I have not found a convincing explanation
for doing this uncentering, but recognize that many may be used to this behavior. Note that whether or not factor
weights are centered, all the differences between factors in a group remain constant (on the log-odds scale). This
reflects the fact that what any regression really estimates are the differences between variables' effects, not
their absolute values.
Another number, reported under misc, is the uncentered input prob. Roughly speaking, this reports
overall prediction of the model. More precisely, the centered input probability (assuming sum contrasts) is the
inverse logit of the model intercept. But what does that mean? All these models make a prediction for the mean (in
linear regression) or the proportion (in logistic regression) in each cell, where a cell is defined as a given
setting of the independent variable(s). The input probability is the average of the predicted values for each cell.
So for Run 1 above, with the single factor store, we have Saks with .475 /r/, Macy's with .372, and
Klein's with .097. The mean of these three numbers (converting into log-odds and back) is .279, and that is equal
to the input probability. The same relationship holds if there is more than one variable in the model, remembering
that with unbalanced data and factor interactions, the predicted value for a cell may not match the observed
The uncentered input probability has been adjusted up or down to compensate for the adjustments to the uncentered
factor weights. All in all, it is recommended to use the centered factor weights, or to look at the log-odds
coefficients directly. This is mandatory if continuous predictors are in the model, because no meaningful factor
weights can be assigned to them. Note that the magnitude of log-odds coefficients can be compared more
fruitfully than can factor weights. The premise of logistic regression is that effects are additive on the
log-odds scale, so looking at that scale directly, rather than a translation of it into factor weight
probabilities, is generally to be preferred.
We noted above that a small number of tokens next to a given logodds or factor weight is
one reason to doubt the precision of the coefficient. Another reason is multicollinearity, which refers to cases
where two or more independent variables are correlated. For example, if we coded some constituent for number of
syllables, and also for whether it was a pronoun or NP, these two predictors would be highly correlated: NP's are
longer, on the whole, than pronouns. In situations like this, regression models have difficulty parceling out the
effect of the predictors on the response, and so the coefficient estimates are not precise. Most statistical
software would report an estimate of precision (called the standard error) along with each coefficient. Following
Goldvarb, Rbrul does not do this. If you suspect two predictors are correlated, you may not want to include both of
them in the model, even if they are both significant. If you do, remember that the weights for those factor groups
will not be precise estimates. They might change considerably if the data were changed even slightly. Splitting
your data set randomly in half and fitting the same model to both halves might be an educational experiment here.
Nothing reinforces the point about imprecision like seeing different coefficients arise from 'the same data'.
Note that multicollinearity is a separate issue from interactions, which is where the effect of one
factor depends on the level of another. Currently, Rbrul does not provide very much relief in either arena.
For models without random effects, Rbrul reports the R-squared for linear models (continuous responses) as R2 and
a pseudo-R-squared for logistic models (binary responses) as Nagelkerke.R2. In the above step-up analysis for the
department store data, the pseudo-R-squared went from 0 (null model) to 0.151 (adding store) to 0.206 (adding
word). (Adding emphasis would only bring it up to 0.212). The R-squared or pseudo-R-squared represents the
proportion of variation explained by the model(s). See
here for more information. There is no generally-accepted analogy of R-squared for mixed models, so currently one is
not reported by Rbrul.
We are now done inspecting the results of the step-up analysis. If you were curious how it turned out, emphasis just
failed to make it into the best step-up model, given the .05 significance threshold. After any analysis, the
best model is stored as the object model, so it can be used for other purposes such as plotting. Before returning to the Modeling Menu, Rbrul gives a summary of
the new model. These are the last
few lines of the output:
Run 6 (above) with store + word + emphasis better than store + word with p = 0.0661
BEST STEP-UP MODEL IS WITH store (1.08e-18) + word (8.18e-09) [A]
Current model file is: unsaved model
store (1.08e-18) + word (8.18e-09) [A]
Current variables are:
response.binary: r
fixed.categorical: store emphasis word
The indication [A] after a model summary means that those p-values are those
associated with Adding those variables, sequentially, to the model. (Since Run 6's p of 0.0661 is greater than .05,
emphasis was not added.) If we had run a step-down, step-up/step-down, or one-level analysis, we would see
p-values with [D] after them, meaning that they are the figures associated with Dropping those terms from
the best model. When describing a model, it is preferable to report the Dropping p-values. In this case, the
p-values for store and word are so low that it hardly matters. Note that while emphasis
was not included in the best model, the current variables, which are the total set of variables
under consideration, remain unchanged.
2.3 Load/Save Model
With this option, Rbrul allows you to save models to disk and retrieve them. The function works similarly
to Load/Save Data. It first prompts you to save the current model in the current
directory using a filename of your
choice. Then, regardless of whether you have saved the model, it prompts you to load a saved model from any directory. R
modeling objects usually include (invisibly) the data from which the model was fit. This means that in theory, if you load
a saved model, you will be able to make plots without having to reload the data separately.
2.4 Settings
Under this menu option users can set the value of several global settings, most of which apply to the modeling functions.
The function asks about each setting in turn; the default option can always be selected by pressing Enter.
Run silently? (1-yes Enter-no) - this option sets silent to TRUE or FALSE. Silent
running means that the modeling functions only display e.g. Trying store... as the software builds and tests the models. No tables of
coefficients will be displayed.
Hide intermediate models' details? (1-yes Enter-no) - this sets verbose to FALSE or
TRUE, respectively. Only an option if silent is set to FALSE, hiding intermediate details means
that Rbrul will only show the details of the best model from each step-up or step-down run.
Hide factor weights? (1-yes Enter-no) - this sets gold to F or T. If factor weights are
shown (the default), they will be displayed as a column at the right side of the model output, as was seen in
the examples
above. Note that factor weights cannot be calculated for continuous predictors (which are not factors!), nor if the
response is a continuous variable. In the latter case, regression coefficients are in the same units as the response.
Center factors? (1-yes Enter-no) - assuming factor weights are not hidden, this option asks whether they should be
displayed as centered (centered = T) or uncentered (centered = F). Centered factor
weights are directly equivalent to the log-odds coefficients of the
model (assuming sum contrasts). They are simply transformed to a probability scale from 0 to 1. Within each factor group,
uncentered factor weights still have the same distance between them, although this relationship is obscured because of the
non-linear probability scale. Uncentered factor weights for categories
with more tokens will be closer to 0.5 than if there were fewer tokens in the category. The uncentered option is included
and made the default because it is the default in Goldvarb. However, I believe there is no good justification for using
uncentered factor weights; they can be confusing by seeming to connect the size of a factor's effect with the number of
tokens of that factor in the data. Since the latter could easily change, while the former is assumed to be constant, it
seems a better idea to leave token numbers out of our factor weights, if we use factor weights at all. Working on the
0-to-1 probability scale is admittedly useful, but be aware that factor weights are not used in any field outside
Show random effect estimates (BLUPs)? (1-yes Enter-no) - this is an option that applies only to
mixed-effect models. If blups is set to F, the default, then for each random factor in a
model, the output will contain a single std dev parameter, which is the estimated standard
deviation of the group. So if we had a random effect for speaker, and std dev came out as 0.50,
that would mean that after taking into account all the fixed factors in the model, speakers still showed
individual variation on the order of 0.50 log-odds standard deviation. Recall that under a normal
distribution, 67% of values fall within ±1 std. dev. and 95% of values within ±2 std dev.
Converting to factor weights, this would be saying that if new speakers were taken from the same population,
we would expect 67% of them to have individual factor weights between .378 and .622, and 95% of them to fall
between .269 and .731. We would conclude in such a case that there was considerable individual variation.
If blups is set to T, then the model output will contain estimates of the individual effect
for each speaker (or other random effect) in the observed data. These numbers resemble and are comparable
with the fixed effect coefficients, although in a technical sense they are not parameters of the model in
the same way. The reason the random effect estimates are hidden by default is that in standard mixed-model
analysis, we are not interested in the exact values of these estimates, only in taking the variation of that
group into account, which improves the rest of the model in various ways, most notably by enabling the
accurate assessment of the significance of between-speaker factors: gender, age, etc. If you are primarily
interested in the behavior of the particular individuals in your sample (rather than viewing them as
a sample), then you will get better results by treating speaker as a fixed effect, but in that case, you
would forgo the possibility of testing between-speaker effects. Keeping speaker as a random effect and
inspecting the by-speaker estimates is perhaps a good compromise between these two extreme positions.
Threshold p-value for fixed effect significance? (1-automatic, Enter-0.05, or type another value) -
at every step of the model-building process, Rbrul establishes a p-value for the difference between two
candidate models and compares it to the value of thresh, which is set here. The default value is
0.05, as in Goldvarb. If we select automatic (which sets thresh to "A"), Rbrul
divides 0.05 by the number of model comparisons that are being made at any given step. This is most useful
when we are testing a large number of possible predictors, and do not have clear reasons (for example,
previous studies) making us suspect in advance that they have relevance. This is called the Bonferroni
correction. Suppose we were testing one potential predictor, gender. If there is no actual gender effect
in the population, the chance of observing one at the p=.05 level is 5%; this is the definition of a
significance test. Now assume that we are testing five potential predictors (gender, age, social class,
sexual orientation, and hair color), and further assume that none of them has an actual effect on the
response. We can sense intuitively that there is a greater than 5% of observing at least one false positive.
Bonferroni showed that if we divide our significance threshold by the number of independent variables, we
restore the joint significance level of the test. So by setting the threshold to .01 for each comparison, we
would still have only a 5% chance of error.
Use slow but accurate simulation method for fixed effect significance? (1-yes Enter-no) - this is
another setting which only applies to mixed models. In general, the significance estimates given by mixed
models are much more accurate then if we ignored the grouping structure of our data and fit a Goldvarb-style
model instead. But if Goldvarb's p-values are much, much, much too low, the standard p-values from
fixed-effect tests in Rbrul are still somewhat too low, most notably if a) the effect being tested has a
large number of levels (factors) compared to the number of speakers, b) if the number of speakers is
small compared to the number of tokens. If sim is set to T
with this option, then p-values are obtained by simulation rather than by a statistical test. In other words, data is
randomly generated over and over according to a model, and it is observed how often an effect occurs of
equal size to that in the real data. Unfortunately, this procedure is rather slow. The whole issue of
significance testing is also complicated by the fact that a real effect can easily be statistically
non-significant, especially given the small datasets often collected in sociolinguistics.
Number of significant digits/decimal places to display? (Enter-3) - this option is self-explanatory;
it sets decimals to the desired value.
Type of contrasts to use for factors? (1-treatment Enter-sum) - this option
sets contr to
"contr.treatment" or "contr.sum" (the default). This determines the meaning of the
intercept and the regression coefficients for all models, in particular for factors. Sum contrasts operate
similarly to (centered) factor weights; for any predictor, they are centered around zero. For example, in one
of the department store models above, we saw emphatic: 0.115 and normal: -0.115; values for
store and word also summed to zero. And as was discussed above, in a sum contrasts model the intercept is like
the input probability, being the average of the cell predictions.
Treatment contrasts appear quite different, although they are really just a different way of conveying the
same information about the different effects of factors on a response variable. With treatment contrasts, one
level of each factor (one factor in each factor group) is chosen as the baseline. The effects of the other
factors are expressed in terms of their difference from the baseline. So if normal was the baseline
level of emphasis, it would appear with a coefficient of 0.000 while emphatic
would appear with 0.330. In a treatment-contrasts model, the intercept is the predicted value of the
response (or the predicted probability of the response, in a logistic model) in one particular cell: that
where all factors take on their baseline values. The baseline level of a factor is the one listed first in
the data structure listing. It can be changed using relevel under adjust data
. Note
that using treatment contrasts, as is commonly done in some disciplines, will not affect the output in the
factor weights column. Rbrul allows us, as sociolinguists, to have our cake and eat it too.
Since going through the entire settings dialogue to change one or two options can be tedious,
observe how easy it is to change these settings within R, outside of Rbrul. For example, to change to five
decimals places, we could exit Rbrul, enter a simple command, and then re-start Rbrul:
8-restore 9-reset 0-exit
1: 0
> decimals <- 5
> rbrul()
All Rbrul settings and loaded objects should remain intact when exiting and re-entering the program.
Depending on the settings of your R application and whether you save your workspace, they may persist even
longer than that. If you have adjusted your data and wish to restore the
original version, choose restore from the Main Menu. This is
equivalent to reloading the file. If you need to start
from scratch, which is always recommended if any strange behavior is
occurring, use the reset function from the Main Menu.
3. Plotting
A picture is worth a thousand words. And a picture is usually worth more than a table of numbers,
too. Rbrul's graphics capabilities will be the focus of future development. At present, the Plotting Menu
has only one option, custom scatterplot. The intent of this flexible function is to make it
possible to plot any variable against any other, using grouping (subsets of data displayed in different
colors on the same plot) and panels (separate, related plots arranged in a grid). The function works by the
now-familiar process of asking a series of questions that determine which variables will be used in which
ways. At the end, the function xyplot is called from the lattice package, and it draws the
Plotting variables can be chosen from datafile or from model, where they include model
predictions and, for linear models, residuals. We will make two plots from the department store example:
a data-oriented 'exploratory' plot, and a plot of model fit similar to Goldvarb's scatterplot Entering
1 from the Plotting Menu displays the data and model summaries and the available plotting
Current data structure:
r (factor with 2 values): 1 0
store (factor with 3 values): Saks Macy's Klein's
emphasis (factor with 2 values): normal emphatic
word (factor with 2 values): fouRth flooR
Data variables: 1-r 2-store 3-emphasis 4-word
Current model file is: unsaved model
store (1.08e-18) + word (8.18e-09) [A]
Model variables: 5-r 6-store 7-emphasis 8-word 9-predictions
In this case, the only difference between the data variables and the model variables is the
item predictions, which is a column of values giving the predicted probability for each data point,
depending on its values for store and word. Note that emphasis is a model
variable only in the sense that this column of values is stored with the data (fixed-effect glm
models store the entire original data frame, while mixed-effect glmer models store only what is
included in the model). The model summary shows that emphasis is not really in the model. We now go
on to select the response variable, r, for the y-axis, store for
the x-axis, and we group by emphasis and plot separate horizontal panels by word:
Choose variable for y-axis?
1: 1
Choose variable for x-axis?
1: 2
Separate (and color) data according to the values of which variable? (press Enter to skip)
1: 3
Also show data (in black) averaged over all values of emphasis? (1-yes Enter-no)
1: [Enter]
Split data into horizontal panels according to which variable? (press Enter to skip)
1: 4
Split data into vertical panels according to which variable? (press Enter to skip)
1: [Enter]
Type of points to plot? (raw points not recommended for binary data)
(0-no points 1-raw points Enter-mean points)
1: [Enter]
Scale points according to the number of observations?
(enter size factor between 0.1 and 10, or 0 to not scale points)
1: 0.5
Type of lines to plot (raw lines not recommended for binary data)?
0-no lines 1-raw lines Enter-mean lines)
1: [Enter]
Add a reference line? (1-diagonal [y=x] 2-horizontal [y=0] Enter-none)
1: [Enter]
In the above dialogue, raw points refers to the actual values of r, which are 0's and 1's.
Instead of plotting these, which would just be hundreds of points on top of each other, we plot mean
points. We scale them according to the number of tokens; here a factor of 0.5 gives an
attractive plot. We also connect the points with mean lines (for continuous responses, a
combination of raw points and mean lines is a good choice). Given this input, Rbrul produces the following
A plot like this is more informative than a cross-tabulation of the same data. The two main effects of
store and word are clear. We can also see the somewhat inconsistent effect of
emphasis, as emphatic pronunciations are usually more /r/-ful, but not in every case. We also note (as
when we ran the crosstabs) that the slope associated with store
appears decidedly steeper for the word
floor than the word fourth. In part, this is due to the results being plotted on the probability
scale, which makes changes in the middle of the range look bigger than changes towards the ends (constant change
produces an S-shaped curve). Nevertheless, there is at least some interaction here, and since the model does not
include an interaction term, this will contribute to a lack of model fit, as seen in the next custom scatterplot.
Choose variable for y-axis?
1: 5
Choose variable for x-axis?
1: 9
Separate (and color) data according to the values of which variable? (press Enter to skip)
1: 8
Also show data (in black) averaged over all values of word? (1-yes Enter-no)
1: [Enter]
Split data into horizontal panels according to which variable? (press Enter to skip)
1: [Enter]
Split data into vertical panels according to which variable? (press Enter to skip)
1: [Enter]
Type of points to plot? (raw points not recommended for binary data)
(0-no points 1-raw points Enter-mean points)
1: [Enter]
Scale points according to the number of observations?
(enter size factor between 0.1 and 10, or 0 to not scale points)
1: 0.5
Type of lines to plot (raw lines not recommended for binary data)?
0-no lines 1-raw lines Enter-mean lines)
1: 0
Add a reference line? (1-diagonal [y=x] 2-horizontal [y=0] Enter-none)
1: 1
Here we plot the model predictions on the x-axis, and the observed means for r on the y-axis. There are six
points, because the model makes one prediction for every cell (3 values of store by 2 values of
word). By coloring the points according to word this time, and adding a reference line at y=x
(along which any perfect predictions would fall), we see that the overall fit of the model is good. The interaction
between store and word is still noticeable: the leftmost blue dot, corresponding to floor
at Klein's, is lower than it should be, while the rightmost dot for floor at Saks is higher than the
value; there is more social stratification for floor than the model predicts, and less for fourth. In
the next section, we will explicitly test whether this interaction is significant, or at a chance level.
4. Testing for Interactions
Currently Rbrul does not handle interactions in a completely integrated way. However, if a model has been created
(or loaded), a new option test interactions appears in the Modeling Menu. This tests each pair of
model predictors for interactions. In this case:
11-test interactions
1: 11
Significance of interaction between store and word: p = 0.344
This tells us that the difference between the social stratification (store-related) slopes is actually not
significantly different for the two words. That is, the observed interaction is not so large that it couldn't
easily be due to chance. If the interaction were significant, new columns corresponding to the interaction
would have been added to datafile, and the current model would
have been updated to include the
interaction. The predictions from
that model would be accessible under Plotting, but the model details (factor weights, etc.) would not be.
The smooth incorporation of interaction terms is a goal of future Rbrul development.
5. A Note on Knockouts
The Goldvarb software will not perform logistic regression if for any factor in any factor group, the data is
invariant (i.e. the response proportion is 0% or 100%). I am not sure whether this restriction was
originally computational or philosophical. Certainly it makes sense that if there truly are invariant contexts,
they should be excluded from an analysis of variation. But when token numbers are small and probabilities are
low or high, we will often observe cells that are unlikely to be "structurally" invariant, but do happen to be
Now it is true that it is difficult to accurately assess the response probability in a cell showing 0/10 or
10/10. But Goldvarb's reaction - that it not only cannot estimate the probability of such cells, but also will
not estimate the probability of other cells of the same factor and, while it's at it, will not provide estimates
for any other factor groups in the analysis - is certainly extreme.
For whatever reasons (meaning that I do not understand the reasons), the modern regression algorithms
in glm and glmer do successfully handle the kind of data that would knock Goldvarb out.
Once in a while, extreme invariance does cause the Rbrul regression to crash. Sometimes a NA will
appear in the output. But usually a knockout factor will simply appear with a very low
or very high coefficient and corresponding factor weight.
Computationally at least, this is an advance over Goldvarb, and we should not react suspiciously to the suggestion that computational
statistics has made progress in the past 35 years or so. However, Guy (1988) argues that it is good practice to exclude invariant (and
even near-invariant) contexts, no matter what. Rbrul allows this, but it also usually allows an analysis to be conducted on all of the
available data, if desired.
6. About Mixed Models
Because Labov's department store data is so familiar, we might overlook that it has a very unusual structure
for a sociolinguistic dataset. At each setting of the independent variables (say, floor with normal
emphasis at Macy's) we have many observations of the dependent variable (110 in this case). Each of these
observations comes from a different speaker. They are essentially independent. In sociolinguistic data derived
from interviews, this is not the case: there, each speaker usually contributes many observations to the data,
and it cannot be denied that tokens from the same speaker might be correlated with each other.
Because there are so many speakers, it is valid to make inferences about the populations (roughly, different
social classes) that the speakers at the three stores represent. This would not be true if Labov had
repeatedly queried only two or three people in each department store. In that case we would rightly wonder
whether we were looking at a social class effect or "only" individual-speaker variation.
The opposite point can be made regarding the words in the study. Here we would be rather imprudent if we assumed
that the behavior of fourth and floor (the latter word showed more /r/ than the former)
directly generalized to all lexical items with word-internal and word-final postvocalic /r/, respectively.
Believers in word-specific phonetics (Pierrehumbert 2002) might be especially skeptical. Readers of all
theoretical persuasions will agree that in most sociolinguistic data, each phonological context is
instantiated by a medium-sized number of words, not just one.
Coming from a kind of experiment, the department store tokens are also fairly well balanced across each
independent variable, another feature which distinguishes this data from the majority of interview-based
datasets. In real life, certain linguistic environments are less common than others and will always be
underrepresented in the data.
In the last ten years, statistical methods have been developed which are appropriate for the kind of data
sociolinguists usually work with: unbalanced data sets with internal correlations deriving from the tokens'
being grouped by the two crossed factors of speaker and lexical item. Fitting regression models of this type is
computationally difficult. Indeed, only since the release of Bates et al.'s lme4 package in 2006 has it
been possible to fit mixed-effect models with crossed random effects to data with binary
Psycholinguists have begun to take advantage of mixed models (see the Journal of Memory and Language, special issue on Emerging
Data Analysis and Inferential Techniques). At least one contribution to sociolinguistics has done so as well (Jaeger & Staum 2005). One
thinks of the 1970's, when the new techniques of logistic regression and VARBRUL sparked a quantitative revolution in
sociolinguistics. We may stand today on the brink of a less profound, but still important advance. For while there is no denying the
myriad results obtained over the years by fixed-effect variable rule methods, mixed-effect models promise better accuracy and
reproducibility in many, if not most, sociolinguistically-relevant contexts.
To understand why this is so, it is helpful to make a three-way division among the predictors which may affect our
response. This applies to both continuous and categorical predictors (and to both continuous and binary
External (between-speaker) predictors. For any given speaker, each of these takes only one value. For
- age
- gender
- department store
Internal (between-word) predictors. For any given word, each of these takes only one value. For example:
- following consonant (within the word, like in a study of vowel formants)
- lexical frequency
- whether post-vocalic /r/ is word-internal or final
Other predictors. For these, the data for a single speaker, or a single word, can show more than one value.
For example:
- following environment (across words, like in a study of /t,d/-deletion)
- style
- emphasis
If individual speakers and individual words do not affect the response differently, then the grouping has no
statistical importance and mixed models are not needed. But if particular speakers and words favor or disfavor the
response, we should model this using random effects. This is because:
- by-speaker variation affects the significance estimates of external predictors
- by-word variation affects the significance estimates of internal predictors
This verges on common sense: if all men behaved very similarly, and so did
all women, then observations from a few men and a few women would be
sufficient to establish whether some linguistic variable showed a gender
effect. The more within-group variation there is, however, the less
statistically significant (more possibly due to chance) any given observed
between-group effect will be. Mixed models report these significances
accurately, fixed-effect models overstate them.
when the data is unbalanced or skewed (as it usually will be):
- by-speaker variation affects the coefficient estimates of external predictors
- by-word variation affects the coefficient estimates of internal predictors
This can also be easily seen. Suppose women are
somewhat more /r/-ful than men on average, but that there is variation
within each
gender. If different speakers in a sample contribute different numbers of
tokens to the data, then just by luck the more /r/-less women could be
over-represented, as well as the more /r/-ful men. In this case a
fixed-effect model would under-report the true gender effect, while a
mixed model would be more accurate.
The above points apply to both linear models (continuous response) and
logistic models (binary response). In addition, in logistic models:
- by-speaker variation affects the coefficient estimates of internal
and other predictors
- by-word variation affects the coefficient estimates of external and
other predictors
To illustrate, imagine that speech style (an "other"
predictor) affects a linguistic response identically for every speaker.
With a continuous
response, this could mean that vowels in reading style are 25
milliseconds longer than in conversational style. If this difference of 25
msec was uniform across speakers, even though different speakers had
longer or shorter vowels overall, then both a fixed-effect model and a
mixed model would report the same coefficient for style.
With a binary response, the situation is different. Even if speakers all
have the same size style effect -- for example, reading passage favors
post-vocalic /r/ by a certain amount (in log-odds) over conversational
speech -- if speakers differ in their overall rhoticity rate, then a
fixed-effect model will underestimate the size of the style effect. In
Goldvarb terms, if we did a separate run for each speaker's data, the
factor weights for style would be the same in each; only the input
probabilities would differ. But if we combined the data into a single
analysis, the style factor weights would change, becoming less extreme and
understating the true effect size.
This is because the log-odds difference
between, say, 50% and 68% is roughly the same as that between 90% and
95%. So a speaker who style-shifts from 50% to 68% /r/ is exhibiting
the same size effect as another speaker who shifts from 90% to 95%: 0.75
log-odds. But if these speakers' data were combined (assuming balanced
token numbers) we would have an overall shift from 70% to 82%, which is
only 0.64 log-odds.
Currently Rbrul can fit mixed-effect models with crossed random effects (e.g. for speaker and word),
providing far more accurate estimates than Goldvarb, which would typically have to ignore these sources of
A more advanced type of mixed-effect modeling involves not only random intercepts, as above, but random slopes.
These capture the possibility that speakers (or words) might differ not just in their overall tendency regarding
the response (different input probabilities), but also in their constraints regarding the predictors (different
"grammars"). Further development of Rbrul will integrate random slopes, which can be thought of as interactions
between fixed and random effects. The reader is referred to Pinheiro & Bates (2000) for further information
about mixed models.
Guy, Gregory R. 1988. Advanced VARBRUL analysis. In Kathleen Ferrara et al. (eds.), Linguistic change and contact. Austin:
University of Texas, Department of Linguistics. 124-136.
Labov, William. 1966.
The social stratification of English in New York City. Washington DC: Center for Applied
Paolillo, John. 2002. Analyzing linguistic variation: statistical models and methods. Stanford CA: CSLI.
Pierrehumbert, Janet B. 2002. Word-specific
phonetics. In Carlos Gussenhoven & Natasha Warner (eds.),
Laboratory Phonology 7. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 101-139.
Pinheiro, José C. and Douglas M. Bates. 2000. Mixed-effect models in S and S-PLUS. New York: Springer.
Jaeger, T. Florian and Laura Staum. 2005. That-omission
beyond processing: stylistic and social effects. Paper
presented at NWAV 34, New York.
Thank you for trying Rbrul.
Please report any bugs, unusual behavior, questions, suggestions for
improvement, and/or topics for discussion to rbrul.list@gmail.com.
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